Traumas in our life as a child can really impact us as adults and many people don’t talk about it because they don’t know how or what reactions other people will have to their stories in life.
In school, I had a lot of classmates who were Latin@ or black. I knew we lived in a diverse society. After school, my neighborhood friends and I would exchange food our parents cooked us-- my sister and I traded steamed rice for warm tortillas. I didn’t understand what was so tasty about plain white rice but I guess my friends thought similarly about the tortillas I coveted.
Giving up is not an option. Only when all people are recognized and respected and treated with dignity will the fight end. Only when we decide that we belong to the same tribe – the human race!
I enjoy sharing one of my passions, which is cooking; every weekend, we prepare a meal to go feed the less fortunate; we deliver hot food so they know that no matter the situation they are in, there is always someone who thinks and cares about them.
Although I was aware of racial inequality, I wasn’t critical of it. My introduction to consciousness was through feminism. My experiences as a female were easier to articulate than those around race.