A Gentle Invitation

At first when Albertina gave us this opportunity to share our stories with the MALCS Conference, I thought to myself: “Who will be retelling it, using it, manipulating it?” These feelings of hesitation, and anger only made me want to walk out of the workshop, not because I wanted to disrespect Albertina but because my story is sacred. Yet, maybe it’s because of my chosen area of study–I have grown old and bitter with the age of 23 in academics, society and beyond. With much contemplation I chose to share my story.

My name is Sonora, born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where the vast blue sky, sandia colored mountains and hot summer nights embrace and protect me.

“I hear the pens around me in this workshop scribble away their most intimate memories. I think to myself, how vulnerable we can be, but yet so empowered by our written word. I feel very honored to have a space to share my story, and acknowledged for how unique and beautiful it is.”

I one day hope to share my story with women from all over, although I don’t feel that this is the time or the place for me to truly bleed on this page, to open my heart to a group of strangers who I believe have beautiful intentions to empower young women like myself.

Thank you for the invitation to think and reflect about my story….


Storyteller Sonora is an undergrad at the University of New Mexico. Born and raised in NM.

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