I stand on the shoulders of a very strong willed and loving matriarchal grandmother who raised me and was the unofficial leader of her newly immigrated family to this country from Mexico.
To be able to help my children not be without, I used to leave the jobs where I was being harassed and I used to move on to other jobs where I thought I would not receive harassment. But, it seemed that all of them agreed to do the same thing....
Thank you God for allowing me to be who I am and how I am. Letting me swim and giving me the strength to learn, even against the flow, and to share my madness with more crazy women like me, who know how to go everywhere, but more importantly who know where they don’t want to return. KeAku Mahalo Ohana.
A few years ago, I didn’t know whether to identify as a Chicana or a Latina or even American. Having learned about the history behind these identifiers helped me learn about Me.