My Autobiography

How to begin to write such a beautiful story if I was always told I couldn’t write, or that my essay didn’t make sense, or that I had to improve my grammar, mierda hasta hoy que los comentarios todavía están conmigo como un estudiante de maestría y candidato a doctorado. Temo que no seré lo suficientemente buena debido a mi falta de buenas habilidades de writing.

Entonces me di cuenta de que si sabía escribir, perhaps no a los estándares de nuestras pautas colonizadas, pero I know how to write and tell my stories en una manera rica y hermosa.

In this context I want to connect the words of Paulo Freire, de leer y reescribir el mundo. Que gran parte de las injusticias sociales que ocurren a nuestro alrededor y dentro de nosotros deben ser leídas críticamente y también reescritas a un futuro mejor y más colectivo.

My mom always told me that I was born in struggle from the first day of my existence. Years later I realized that for most or all my life I lived in resistance, resistance to the capitalist and neoliberal world, resistance to heteropatriacidad, resistance to oppression in all its forms. We will continue to fight until we live in a world where love for human beings is crucial and necessary where love for our planet and mother nature is essential to human sustainability.

Today when I am fortunate to have beautiful lives in front of me, I know it is a great opportunity to spread about our liberation and collectively release liberation of our oppressors.

“But liberation doesn’t start in classrooms or in the four walls of a school. It starts in our homes, in our houses, our communities. “

Zitlaly is my base, my foundation, the source that pushes me day by day to remain in resistance against an oppressive world, and isn’t the reality I want for her.

You know, to truly achieve our liberation, we’d have to desmontar heteropatriacidad, misoginia y opresión de las mujeres, until the whole world says enough to attacking women, we can’t move on. Based on this, I argue that we must reach brotherhood and fellowship based on love, respect, and humanization of the human being.


Storyteller Jessica Suarez Nieto writes, “I’m from Chicago. I’m a mathematics and social justice teacher.”

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