An Ode to Love and Pain

(Written to accompany the story Birth, Death and Resurrection)

An ode to love and pain:

As I tilt my head up
To gaze at the night sky
I start to miss you
Remember the times
We got lost in space
Altogether and together

My love for you
And the pain I feel
Weave together like the carnelian light of the sun
With the dark sapphire of the night
Crossing over like strands of hair
Creating the most beautiful
Entanglement of love and pain

This braid shines its brightest at night
Because the moon like to untangle
The broken-hearted mess of the day
So, when I breath in the dusky night air
Tears fall intensely and endlessly
As if a damn was created by
The busy day time activities, which
Abstract the flow of my sorrows
But my grief resurfaces
As I get lost in the stars
Falling in love over and over again
Feeling the pain once again
But the tenderness it creates
Reminds me you did exist
Once upon a time

It feels like you were in my life as long
As a shooting star travels through the sky
I wish you would come back, I cry
As your light leaves the celestial sphere
I get lost trying to surf the comets
In hopes of witnessing, you again
But as the night progresses
A soft blanket is placed
Over my sleepy face
And the first light I see
Is the sun’s
… not yours.

Storyteller Kayla Diaz is an aspiring farmer and intimacy guide from the Bay Area. She is an artist, poet, and student of the Universe.

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