She, my mother, knew that mothers cannot do it on their own; that they need to form armies of shared parenting; that love has to be shared between the children of the earth; and that love we share is involved in the care of every human being.
I remember my grandmother was strong. It was difficult for her to show her feelings since she had participated in the revolution. She had fifteen kids. Of those, most died of hunger and she was left with four.
... my family lived in El Salvador and survived the war in the 1980s. She tells me many stories of the violence she saw and about everyone who did not survive... No, I cannot—I cannot imagine being in that position at 15 or 16 years old.
I listen for grandma’s voice to echo in my ear. I hope to live long enough to tell my grandchildren about their great-great-grandmother and of all her teachings. And to let my youngest granddaughter know that her name “Echo” comes in honor of my grandmother and our ancestors, who often echo in our ears if we just stand still and listen……
The day I walked in to my high school biology class for the first time, I never imagined it would be the moment I met the most influential woman in my life....
Mi abuelita thrives in my heart despite her transformation to a spiritual ancestor. Her details of how to make the masa made a bold call for spirituality in my cooking.
My grandmother, whom we called “Mami,” was an incredibly strong woman and greatly influenced my life...We used to go to the senior center on weekdays, and at home we used to read together and help each other learn English.