
It has been hard to achieve “The American Dream,” but soon I will be the first in my family to graduate with a BA and go into the teaching field.

My Life History

She was strong, often silent, cold to caresses. Our home interaction with her was about working at the house, and on Sundays she rewarded me and my 8 brothers with handmade tortillas and salsa from the molcajete. What a joy it was when she was home!


A few years ago, I didn’t know whether to identify as a Chicana or a Latina or even American. Having learned about the history behind these identifiers helped me learn about Me.

Herstory in Progress

“My Zapotec Goddess”: the woman who gave me life. Thanks to her effort, her struggles and sacrifices I am who I am.

A Zapotec Son

There is something special in our women, we don’t lose our joy, don’t lose our hope. Whatever we do, we do with joy...We do this so...other people see the effort we have in wanting to survive.

The Fluttering of a Butterfly

... my family lived in El Salvador and survived the war in the 1980s. She tells me many stories of the violence she saw and about everyone who did not survive... No, I cannot—I cannot imagine being in that position at 15 or 16 years old.

My Mom

They both made sure that all seven of us and my mother had a place to live, food, clothing and a high school education.

My Family

In the winter of 2002 they made plans to cross the border. With only a long-sleeved shirt, cans of food on her back and a gallon-jug of water in her hands, she began the three-day trek into the U.S.

Woman Warrior