
Story of this loss and pain and how I need to strengthen myself and find ways of self-care in order to continue caring for others.

My (Pandemic) Story

I am grateful to have the privilege of being able to speak and not to not have forgotten my Mam language. I am from Guatemala...

My Story

  My mother, Manuela Huerta de Matute, was born of poor Mexican immigrant parents in 1913. Her father, Albino Huerta, had been recruited from Mezquital del Oro, a very small town in Zacatecas, Mexico, to help build the railroads as part of the economic expansion of the American Southwest. He […]

My mother, Manuela Huerta de Matute

Women are sacred and must be honored and respected by men; be it her husband, boyfriend, lover, friend, relative, neighbor, stranger, etc.

We’re Winning Battles

In school, I had a lot of classmates who were Latin@ or black. I knew we lived in a diverse society. After school, my neighborhood friends and I would exchange food our parents cooked us-- my sister and I traded steamed rice for warm tortillas. I didn’t understand what was so tasty about plain white rice but I guess my friends thought similarly about the tortillas I coveted.

Steamed Rice and Tortillas

Giving up is not an option. Only when all people are recognized and respected and treated with dignity will the fight end. Only when we decide that we belong to the same tribe – the human race!

La Raza Humana