A few years ago, I didn’t know whether to identify as a Chicana or a Latina or even American. Having learned about the history behind these identifiers helped me learn about Me.
I remember my grandmother was strong. It was difficult for her to show her feelings since she had participated in the revolution. She had fifteen kids. Of those, most died of hunger and she was left with four.
I hear the pens around me in this workshop scribble away their most intimate memories. I think to myself, how vulnerable we can be, but yet so empowered by our written word. I feel very honored to have a space to share my story, and acknowledged for how unique and beautiful it is.
I work with people, with immigrants, with people struggling in poverty with not a lot of education, and I ask myself, why? Why do I care, and sometimes, I ask, do I care?
At suppertime, someone unexpected would show up hoping that they would be able to share some of the delicious meal. At times, some of the women who had earlier contributed monetarily to the meal would give a cry of disapproval as to why someone who did not contribute was still able to come in and eat. My abuela’s response always was, “Un plato de comida no se le niega a nadie,” you should never deny anyone a plate of food.