Taller MXM

@ Rose Arrieta

Taller MXM is an online space dedicated to creative expression. A taller can be a studio, workshop, gallery, or collaboration. At MiHistoria we celebrate Latina arts across genres and forms, offering a space for artists to share their creative process and declare this is who I am, this is what has shaped me. Standing in that truth we find our voices and bring our unique gifts to a common struggle.

Taller MXM is named in honor of María X Martínez, who died of kidney cancer on July 15, 2020 in her San Francisco home. In 2010 María planted the seed that blossomed into MiHistoria, and she remains the project’s Madrina. Learn about María >

  • Domi, Un Espiritu Libre (A Free Spirit)
    A self-taught artist with a uniquely personal, post-modern style, Domi (Domitila Dominguez) is inspired by the vivid wit, wisdom and folklore of her Mazatecan culture. For over forty years her paintings and sculpture have had over 20 exhibitions in Mexico, the United States, and Paris, France.
  • The Guadalupes
    What strikes people about this painting is the Virgin of Guadalupe is enthusiastic. She loves her freedom, being herself, jumping off the crescent moon.
  • Crusando Fronteras (Crossing Borders)
    Paula Nicho Cúmez
    My inspiration comes from my culture, town, life, the sacred Maya book the Popol Vuh, and our native women. Woman is the basis for society and, if this base is solid, we can use it to build a better Guatemala.
  • California Special – Our Legacy
    Ester Hernandez
    I was always put on top of the sacks of flour as our family discussed the quality of the weave, color, and design of the sacks. We would make a pretty dress, curtains, dish cloth from the material and this was my first experience of being a “model” and listening...
  • Mariana Yampolsky: Mexican Photographer
    Paloma Citlali Martínez
    Mariana shared Mexico with the world but what I remember the most is how much fun we had eating chocolate together.